Saturday 13 April 2013

The people around me....

I am forever grateful.... You see, I am surrounded by beautiful people. The definition of beautiful is quite relative, but this has nothing to do with the physical.
So, what made me realize that? Well, this week was one of those, where you wonder if you have it in you for the task at hand.. When you dared to look at the bigger picture and oh my! The big picture stared right back, seemingly through you. It feels like you are being weighed. That is exactly what happened... I weighed myself against the big picture, and the result? I felt totally inadequate. It did not help that I received some "not so good" results during the course of the week, which to be honest, I have been searching for the reason as to why.
I surprised myself today. I have been training myself to accept criticism, so I tried to be open minded. But because those results hurt deep, I could not get past it. But today, I gave myself a pep talk... I won't quote, since people will be shocked at what goes through my mind (maybe I would tell you if I met you in person), but it all comes down to these things happen, so come on, get back to running the race. It happened, it already did and you are not going to change it. So aim to do better next time. :)
So back to the beautiful people, these special two people knew what was running through my mind and strengthened me.... Let me know that this journey is like that. A journey of painful growing up. People who allow you to see their struggles and let you know, it is human. People who take your crap and reach out and say, "I totally understand", not as a cliche, but because they do. And I love these people.

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